Research Project: Political Thought, Utopia, and the Concept of City
Considering that the thinkers who shaped Western political thought often engaged in proposing and/or analyzing the form and design of real or idealized cities, the objective of this project is to collect and analyze proposals from classical authors in this regard, from antiquity to the present day.
Research Project: Political Action, Social Movements, and Urban Regimes
The direct participation of a population in local politics sometimes opens up new possible paths for the production of pro-civil society urban policies, directly impacting the balance of power and the coalitions forged by key political actors. This project aims to examine these associative forms in their capacity to generate grassroots alternatives, whether through pressure and contestation of governmental policies or the production of their own territorial alternatives, as well as their potential impact on the reconfiguration of urban fabric.
Research Project: Brazil in the Contemporary World Economy
The aim is to investigate the political-economic perspectives that emerge for the Brazilian reality through an interpretation of the transformation movements in the global economy stemming from globalization, as well as their relations with the role played by the country in the international division of labor.
Research Project: Institutional Alternatives in the Federal Plan: Experimentalism and Innovation at the Subnational Level
The proposal of this line of research is to explore the political literature related to experimentalism and institutional imagination that not only contributes to the interpretation of the existing structure but above all to imagine the adjacent possible with a willingness to structurally reorganize society through institutional changes in politics and economics.
Research Project: Inclusive Education Policy or Bilingual Schools?
Throughout human history, Deaf individuals have always been marginalized. Reports say that many were killed or enslaved simply for being Deaf. Deaf education has always been linked to a clinical-therapeutic approach, meaning that it has always sought to use education as a tool to "normalize" Deaf individuals. With the emergence of eugenic thoughts, the idea of sterilizing Deaf individuals was present and was advocated out of fear that a new "human race," a Deaf race, would be created. Thus, this pseudoscience ended up influencing the education offered to these people. This present work aims to analyze which thoughts influenced the two models of education for Deaf individuals, inclusive and bilingual, as well as to analyze which interests were behind our inclusive education project.
Research Project: Democratic Legitimacy Crisis and Political Participation in the City of Niterói
Has an interest in Sociology, specifically in sociological studies related to identity and political movements. In pursuit of a solid theoretical and empirical foundation, has participated in various research initiatives linked to the Federal Fluminense University, always in direct support and connection with her undergraduate courses. Has been actively involved in LERLOC since 2023, assisting in the development and implementation of the "perception of democracy" project, within which the ongoing research focused on the city of Niterói is included. In this work, the current democratic crisis is investigated based on citizens' perceptions of democracy through the creation, application, and analysis of a specific survey administered to the population of Niterói. This research, grounded in contemporary political theory and statistical methodology, aims to provide privileged insights into the major contemporary issues associated with representative institutions, whether in forms of collective action and social mobilization, or in the pursuit of expanding political participation toward a more participatory, inclusive, and egalitarian democracy.
Research Project: Nationalism and Confederalism in Kurdistan: The Contest for the Direction of Kurdish Politics between the KDP and the PKK.
The proposal aims to conduct an institutional and political comparison of the two self-governing experiences undertaken by the Kurds, one in northern Iraq and the other in northern Syria. One of these experiences is based on direct democracy and the establishment of local political councils, while the other aims to form a nation-state. The outcome of this local political contest holds implications for the entire region.
Research Project: The Internet and the Democratic Crisis in the Early 21st Century
The research investigates the hypothesis that the pronounced concentration of capital, historically unprecedented, in large strategic transnational corporations supported by the intensive use of digital network technologies ("Big Tech"), has led to the degeneration of capitalism and democracy in the post-Cold War global scenario.